Tag Archives: to do list

Reason #63 Why Having a Preschooler Rocks

This morning we were running errands when Katie spotted a huge fountain and wanted desperately to get closer.

We didn’t have a ton of time to finish our shopping before we had to hurry home for lunch and naps, but she asked so nicely that I indulged her.

We sat and watched the fountain for 15 minutes and she laughed with glee every time the water shot up.

There was no errand more important that seeing how happy that little bit of time in front of a fountain–a fountain that I’ve looked right past more times than I can count–made her .

Lunch was delayed, naps were late, but we were happy.

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Fumbles Aplenty!

Although I like to think myself a considerate wife, mother, and friend, I have fumbled the ball on numerous occasions lately. 

Our life has been turned upside down over the past couple of months and we are just now starting to feel like we’re getting back to normal.  I’m typically organized, thoughtful, and structured.  Lately, I’ve been forgetful, disorganized, and scattered.  Really, I’ve just dropped the ball.

Here’s a list of my six biggest recent fumbles:

1. Wife Fumble! 

I thoroughly fumbled Father’s Day.  This is completely out of character for me.  Since we had Katie, I’ve put together an annual Father’s Day photo book for Craig.  This year was to be no exception, but on the day when I planned to order it, we learned that my mother-in-law’s condition had worsened and we immediately left home for eight days.  When Father’s Day rolled around, just a few days after her death, I had a stack of blank cards in hand and nothing else.  Since none of us were in a celebratory frame of mind, we moved Father’s Day to the following Sunday.  I fumbled that too, and I’m still holding blank cards and haven’t ordered Craig’s book yet.  He deserves much better than this. 

2.  Daughter Fumble! 

This past Thursday, a huge box arrived in the mail from my mother.  Inside was a stack of books for me and toys for the kids.  I have yet to thank my mom for her thoughtfulness and generosity.  I need to have five minutes of quiet in a row to call her and thank her.  (Thank you, Mom…I’m calling you soon!)

3.  Mommy Fumble! 

Craig and I decided to put Katie in swim lessons this summer.  Making the call to get her signed up has been on my to do list for two weeks.  Why do I only remember this when I’m trying to fall asleep at night? 

4.  Friend Fumble! 

We had Katie’s birthday party just a few days before we left to care for my mother-in-law.  Though we have managed to actually write her thank you notes, I still haven’t had a chance to mail them to our wonderful friends who came to help us celebrate Katie’s special day.

5.  Parent Fumble! 

Katie turned three nearly two months ago and I still haven’t scheduled her three-year check up.  I have absolutely no excuse for this, we’ve known for a year that we had to make this appointment.  Again, I seem to only remember this stuff when I’m in bed at night. 

6.  Blogger Fumble! 

A few weeks ago, Move Over Mary Poppins generously awarded me the Sugar Doll Award (this award makes me feel like a Southerner and I can’t say it without a drawl!). 

We had so much going on that acknowledging and thanking her slipped through the cracks.  I am, however, honored and can’t thank her enough for thinking of me! 

Although I am finally thanking her, I’m also supposed to list ten things about myself and pass the award on to ten other deserving bloggers.  But, I’m only sharing six things and I’m passing the award on to just a few bloggers, who currently live in the south, as I think they might be able to give the award the proper southern drawl that it deserves!  Here they are:

Guilty Squid

The Adventures of Christopher and Tia

Everything You NEVER Wanted to Know (Let’s get her blogging again!)

The last thing that I’m supposed to do is notify those I’ve given the award to … let’s hope this isn’t my 7th fumble!  Off I go.

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How to Break Up with Your Hair Stylist in 10 Easy Steps

Step One:  Bitterly exit salon, with horrible haircut, intense nausea, and receipt for $160, clenched in hand.

Step Two: Vow to NEVER see stylist again.

Step Three:  Put “find new stylist” on to-do list.

Step Four: When roots appear, Google regrowth, roots, and celebrities and try to convince yourself that Jessica Simpson and Sarah Jessica Parker get away with this all the time.

Step Five: Remember that you are not a celebrity.

Step Six: Make appointment with crappy stylist because you weren’t motivated enough to find a new one.

Step Seven: Incredulously watch stylist text, pluck her own eyebrows, and tell you about all of the guys she has “hooked up with” while your highlights are over processing.

Step Eight: Repeat Step One

Step Nine: Suck it up and book appointment with complete stranger at the same salon.

Step Ten: Leave appointment with a great cut and color,  a receipt for a third less than you paid the old stylist, and a huge sigh of relief.

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