Tag Archives: books

Does this ExerSaucer Match the Sofa?

When Craig and I moved into this home, we carried fabric swatches to the store, painstakingly choosing our furniture and accessories.  We obsessed over every detail. Did our reds match?  Would the green in the chair pull out that hint of green in the pattern on the pillow?  Was that chair to scale?  We were so happy to be creating a space that would be our home, the place where we would build our family.

I look around now and my eyes don’t know where to rest.  This is what I see:

Bookshelves that were once decorated with crystal vases and photographs are now crammed to full capacity with board books and coloring books.

A sofa that was once was neat and tidy with carefully arranged pillows now holds a stash of Cheerios in its cushions and is covered with Katie’s stuffed animals.

Our dining room table, once clean and polished, now displays a kitty place mat (on top of which sits a princess purse this morning).  In the corner stands Katie’s play kitchen which took the place of a large ficus that we felt added life to the room.

The living room floor, once clear and easy to vacuum, is now occupied by an ExerSaucer, a baby bouncy seat, and a play mat.

The tray on the ottoman that once held a tidy stack of magazines now holds one of Katie’s babies and a handful of hair clips and ribbons.

One part of me feels that these toys, books, and miscellany are proof of the real home that we have built.  The children have taken over this space and it holds more happiness with all of their clutter than it did when pristine and carefully decorated.

Then there’s this other, nagging, persistent part of me that thinks that it looks like Toys “R” Us threw up all over our house.

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Listen to Your Momma

Katie was gifted a HUGE stack of books by her aunt and uncle over the weekend. Amongst them was “My Momma Likes to Say,” written by Denise Brennan-Nelson and illustrated by Jane Monroe Donovan.

Packed with idioms, proverbs, maxims, and clichés, including “you’re the apple of my eye,” “money doesn’t grow on trees,” “it’s raining cats and dogs,” and my personal favorite, “I have eyes in the back of my head,” this book is great fun for both the reader and the listener. I love the way the author marries literal and figurative meaning.

Lexile, a free online reading metric, recommends this particular book for ages 4-10. If you haven’t already checked out the Lexile site, prepare to fall in love. By simply entering the name of a book or its author, the database will provide you with an appropriate age/reading level, pulling from a database of thousands of titles. (It would take a dedicated post to even begin to explain all that you can do on the site.)

A quick search shows that “My Momma Likes to Say” can be found at Barnes & Noble and Amazon.

Happy reading!

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