Tag Archives: aunt

Listen to Your Momma

Katie was gifted a HUGE stack of books by her aunt and uncle over the weekend. Amongst them was “My Momma Likes to Say,” written by Denise Brennan-Nelson and illustrated by Jane Monroe Donovan.

Packed with idioms, proverbs, maxims, and clichés, including “you’re the apple of my eye,” “money doesn’t grow on trees,” “it’s raining cats and dogs,” and my personal favorite, “I have eyes in the back of my head,” this book is great fun for both the reader and the listener. I love the way the author marries literal and figurative meaning.

Lexile, a free online reading metric, recommends this particular book for ages 4-10. If you haven’t already checked out the Lexile site, prepare to fall in love. By simply entering the name of a book or its author, the database will provide you with an appropriate age/reading level, pulling from a database of thousands of titles. (It would take a dedicated post to even begin to explain all that you can do on the site.)

A quick search shows that “My Momma Likes to Say” can be found at Barnes & Noble and Amazon.

Happy reading!

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